evepresst -多用途电子商务模板PrestaShop主题-功能图像1evepresst -多用途电子商务模板PrestaShop主题-功能图像2evepresst -多用途电子商务模板PrestaShop主题-功能图像3evepresst -多用途电子商务模板PrestaShop主题-功能图像4evepresst -多用途电子商务模板PrestaShop主题-功能图像5evepresst -多用途电子商务模板PrestaShop主题-功能图6evepresst -多用途电子商务模板PrestaShop主题-功能图7

Eveprest -多用途电子商务模板

Eveprest an eCommerce PrestaShop theme is the unrivaled multipurpose template that can be a great website solution for any business purpose. 这个多用途模板是响应式的, 我们在哪里收集了所有主要功能和发展.

It is the flourish theme that can be a great eCommerce solution for any business niche. 你们每个人都可以根据自己的需要和愿望找到合适的主题.

我们为每个主题准备了多种布局, so you can get dozens of possible combinations for the homepage of each template. 从现在开始,建立一个独一无二的网站的能力是真实的.


Eveprest eCommerce PrestaShop theme is designed to appreciate the necessity of presenting all the advantages of the themes and the ability for each client to find something special and suitable for him making it possible to create a one-of-a-kind web store. That’s why we have combined minimalist but at the same time stylish designs plus innovative and productive features.

Eveprest 1.7 multipurpose template includes three child themes and over 10 additional topics for the highly sought types of the store:

  • Fashion;
  • Furniture;
  • 备件;
  • Electronics;
  • 超市;
  • Tools;
  • Lingerie;
  • Jewelry;
  • Bikes;
  • Kids;
  • Beauty;
  • Pets;
  • 韩国化妆品;
  • 酒精储存;
  • 素食店;
  • 香料店;
  • 香水商店;
  • Eveprest音像店;
  • evepresst旅行社;
  • Eveprest咖啡店;
  • everprest书店;
  • evepresst茶叶店;
  • evepresst旅行袋;
  • evepresst冬季时装;
  • 赠送圣诞礼物;
  • everpresst假日商店;
  • evepresst新鲜食品商店.

It offers dozens of possible combinations for the homepage for each of the topics. 没有边界,创建一个独特的和有吸引力的主页. 而且,还有更多的事情要做. 您有机会添加自己的全新布局.


Let`s take a closer look at the innovative unique features of this multipurpose template.

PrestaShop模块可以极大地扩展您的商店潜力. Below, we will take a closer look at premium modules used in this eCommerce PrestaShop theme.

JX Blog - integrate creative and helpful posts to inform your customers about your related, recent, 或者流行产品. Increase the number of visitors to your store and stay in touch with them right along.

JX Mega Layout -根据需要组织内容, 创建和放置额外的内容在任何位置和任何布局. 您可以在几秒钟内完全重新设计模板的外观.

JX高级滤镜 -根据关键功能快速搜索所需产品. 创建具有无限数量搜索条件的过滤器.

JX产品变焦器 -放大图像,只需悬停在它. The zoom-in feature lets your customers take a closer look at the products you suggest. 它有三种变焦类型:内变焦、镜头变焦和窗口变焦.

JX Lookbook - present the collection of your products in a creative way and let your customers see products visually in real contexts.

JX制造商区 -指出你们产品的制造商的信息. It is possible to show both the names and logos of the manufacturers for better recognition.

JX Mega Menu - create complex menus and allow your visitors to access different categories in no time. 用自定义块、横幅、链接、图标和按钮构建复合菜单.

JX每日交易 - create a daily deal for any product and display it on your site with a countdown timer. 告诉你的客户离你的产品发布还有多少时间.

我们只描述了wordpress中使用的一半扩展. 您可以在文档中了解有关所有这些功能插件的更多信息.

包括上面提到的一切,有必要说,everpresst 1.7 .主题会不断更新. 成为prestshop的旗舰主题, 你会得到所有的特权和所有可能的更新, 安全包模块等创新, 放大器模块更新, etc.



  • 主题版本更改为1.0.1;
  • 移除旧的pre - shop模块;
  • JX高级过滤器的更新, JX每日交易, JX主页类别画廊, JX制造商块, JX Mega Menu, JX产品变焦模块.


  • 购物车更新的prestshop 1.7.8;
  • 小错误修复.


  • evepresst香水主题版本改为1.0.1;
  • 移除旧PrestaShop模块;
  • JX愿望列表模块的更新, 对样本数据安装的小修复, JX搜索和JX产品缩放模块;
  • 购物车更新的prestshop 1.7.8.


  • evprest备件主题版本更改为1.0.1;
  • 添加了样例数据安装完成后的更新文件夹.


  • 电子商店皮肤主题版本改为1.0.1;
  • 移除旧PrestaShop模块;
  • 主题模块更新(JXCategoryProducts和jxproductzoom);
  • 购物车更新的prestshop 1.7.8.


  • evprest家具主题版本改为1.0.1;
  • 移除旧PrestaShop模块;
  • 购物车更新的prestshop 1.7.8.

evprest(2022年2月14日): 更新化妆品商店皮肤与JX模块到PrestaShop 1.7.8.x version:

  • Jxsearch, jxwishlist, sampledatainstall模块更新在依赖/模块;
  • config/theme.yml - removed old prestashop modules, added sampledatainstall position, changed theme version to 1.0.1;
  • 购物车更新修复在3个文件.

evprest(2022年2月11日) 更新书店皮肤与JX模块到PrestaShop 1.7.8.x version:

  • jxproductzoomer, Jxsearch, jxwishlist, sampledatainstall模块更新在依赖/模块;
  • config/theme.yml - removed old prestashop modules, added sampledatainstall position, changed theme version to 1.0.1;
  • 购物车更新修复在3个文件.


  • 更新素食商店皮肤与JX模块到PrestaShop 1.7.8.x version.


  • 更新咖啡店和茶馆皮肤与JX模块到PrestaShop 1.7.8.x version.


  • 更新美容店皮肤与JX模块到PrestaShop 1.7.8.x version.


  • 更新备件商店皮肤与JX模块到PrestaShop 1.7.8.x version.


  • 更新config\theme中的模块列表.在默认的evprest皮肤yml文件;
  • 小错误修复.


  • 更新家具店皮肤中的JX Mega Layout模块.


  • Update jxamp, jxblog, jxheaderaccount, jxmanufacturerblock, jxproductcustomtab, jxproductzoomer, jxsearch, jxwishlist, sampledatainstall模块在evprest运动服装皮肤.


  • 添加新的evepresst Fresh Food Store皮肤.


  • 小错误修复.
  • 更新手表皮肤.


  • 新运动服装商店皮肤.


  • 更新家具和儿童商店皮肤与JX模块到PrestaShop 1.7.7.x version.


  • 更新内衣和工具商店皮肤与JX模块到PrestaShop 1.7.7.x version.


  • 更新电子商店皮肤与JX模块到PrestaShop 1.7.7.x version.


  • Eveprest Fashion skin JX Product List Gallery module fix, default PrestaShop modules fixes; 更新evepresst冬季时装店皮肤主题.


  • 更新自行车商店,咖啡馆皮肤与JX模块到PrestaShop 1.7.7.x version.


  • 添加有机食品,超市皮肤.


  • 更新备件皮肤与JX模块到PrestaShop 1.7.7.x version.


  • 更新时尚皮肤到1.7.7.x PrestaShop版本.


  • 更新超市和美容皮肤最多1个.7.7.x PrestaShop版本.


  • 添加假日皮肤;
  • 次要功能修复.


  • 添加圣诞礼物皮肤.


  • 添加冬季时尚皮肤.


  • 增加旅行袋皮肤.


虽然这些模板看起来很棒,并且在prestshop 1中完美地工作.他们不会在预装车间里运行.7. 安装测试在两台服务器上,版本1.7.0 through 1.7.4. Same result
Dear Luis, Thank you for your review and please accept our sincere apologies for any inconveniences. 要解决您的问题,这就足以重置JX产品滑块模块. The notice you got means the module contains non-existing product reference and visible during the debug mode only. prestashhop 1的问题.7.4引擎和JX模块是prestshop引擎的bug. 更新模块缓存组件失败. However, please, note that Prestashop developers have released the official fix that will be included in the engine update. 请查看解决方案链接: http://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/pull/9322/commits/3aeb149cf2e8fbdb53cbb9a71f99c7471894f74e 在网站上应用这些更改后,所有模块都将正常工作. In case you get Font Awesome error on PHP 7, use the following commit to fix that: http://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/pull/8636/commits/d7132fbc92f2e398f5f8e9f3452c2e8c2c5f123d 请注意,这些错误是由PrestaShop 1引起的.不幸的是,有7个核心漏洞. However, we rapidly report all such issues to them and force the solutions as soon as possible. 这有助于改进这个引擎. 感谢您的理解与合作.
No todos los módulos especificados funccionan en la plantilla, por ejemplo el módulo JX Media Parallax no hemos podido usarlo y el módulo de Layouts tampoco funciona 100%. 这是一件很有趣的事, ya que la plantilla con Sample Data no se parece nada a la Live View de cuando quieres comprarla. 可怜的罗demás纠正. 这句话的意思是:“我的意思是说,我的意思是说,我的意思是说,我的意思是说。.
这是一个很棒的模板. 请在预制室1冲洗.7
有很多功能的好模板. 非常灵活的设计,你可以适应你的愿望


I have installed several of the themes in this package, and none of them have worked without errors. I got a notification that the theme has been updated, but no files are changed in e.g the fashion theme where Add to cart does not work on the home page and it is not possible to delete items in the cart either. I have a bought via Templateog体育首页 and og体育首页one and the support has been terrible. 我有一个关于其中一个主题的支持案例. This has been going on since October last year, and I simply get not response on my tickets anymore. 之前我通过Templateog体育首页支付113美元更新我的许可证, 我需要你保证我所有的问题都会得到解决.
该模板在Prestashop版本1中工作得非常糟糕.7.8. The theme modules are not working and although I have also purchased the installation service, 支持是完全不存在的. 门票开放了好几天却没有任何回应. 我试着通过聊天联系他们,但他们没有回应. 我不知道怎么修理.
亲爱的Luigi,我们很抱歉模板定制给你带来了困难. 模板功能齐全,我们很乐意帮助您的设置. 请接受我们的歉意与您的支持票的答复延迟. All support requests are considered in submission order and as there are many requests now, 答复可能会晚于预期. Our techs have already sent you a reply in your ticket #621ce9b8641a9150a86e6fc2, 我们希望你有机会检查一下. If you have any further questions, please, do not hesitate to contact us again anytime!
与Prestashop的兼容性.7.X是写的. 1.7.8.X,但这不是真的. 别买它 !! 这些模块只支持旧版本的Prestashop. “继续”瞄准开关错误相当于“中断”. 你的意思是用“继续”吗?? PHP版本7有bug吗.3. 运行模板之后, 我已经为我的客户修理了三个模块,而且还没有完成. Prestashop版本1以上请下载此模板.6.1.24. 我会把同样的评论添加到俱乐部论坛,并警告其他人. 如何销售损坏和不兼容的模板. 你们是小偷和外行.
谢谢你的评论! 在模板详情页面添加的兼容性信息正确. 有几个旧的精灵皮肤仍在更新1.7.8兼容性, but the majority of the skins and their modules are updated and can be used with PrestaShop 1.7.8. 不幸的是,我们没有找到你的票. Please feel free to contact us anytime, we will be glad to assist you with the template!
这个模板可以在multishop中使用吗? 所以我们可以设置不同的外观,而不需要重新做所有的事情?
Hi! 我还没有'我没有买模板&i’我想知道这家店是否完全可以定制, is there an option to make the category page full width with no sidebar and bigger images?
你好,Fabcaro! 谢谢你的问题. 您可以自定义模板完全. 你可以很容易地通过管理面板删除侧边栏. 欲了解更多详情,请登录http://chat加入我们的实时聊天.template-help.com/. 祝你一天愉快! 致以最良好的问候,米歇尔·兰伯特


Guru Author


4.1 /5
支持度评分(261 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 190 4 12 3 5 2 5 1 49
响应时间: Slow This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
